Friday, October 20, 2006

Reel Courage


I think its something to celebrate when someone takes a step towards a dream. Many people dream but few dare to pay the price to see those dreams come to reality.

PROPS to Matt Hawkins who has stepped out in a journey... I am glad to knwo him and have the honor to call him a guy who I work with. Matt if you read this know that I celebrate your successes and will be in your corner in the dark moments.

Read this for more info.

Take courage folks and step out. Stop Dreaming!!! Its time to Act!!!


M. A. Hawkins said...

Thanks Mark!
Your support means more than you know!

Jeffrey said...

wow. matt. i had heard about this... that is so cool man... good article too!

and yes mark... lets all start doing.
seems to be the message of the month.
i dig.

D"MAck said...

Matt Hawkins is my hero.

M. A. Hawkins said...

great meeting you the other night jeff - you did look really familiar!
and thanks for cool quote!
no dan, you are MY hero!

D"MAck said...

hmm capitals on MY I guess I can't beat that. I was going to put on some bold but I can't figure out the html thing.

Anonymous said...

Matt - awesome. Good to hear what you're up to cuz i haven't seen you forever.

elliott5inbc said...

wow. your blog is a smarty pants blog...for someone who doesn't like to read, you certainly write well! I feel like I'm smarter now..thank you.

Also, we're snowed in and I'm bored so that may have something to do with it...