Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Unique User Experiences

Some of the most effective Marketing done in the world is all about creating a user experience where the user feels that it is all about them.

Where do we go wrong with this?

"Until talking about the users/customers/members/clients becomes the most important thing, we're going nowhere good. And no matter how many companies pay it lip service, the meetings tell the real story. It's staggering how many meetings I've been to where nobody is advocating for the users. Nobody. Yet everybody is advocating for ways to do what "upper management" wants or ways to save money or ways to... you know, many of you probably work in the companies I'm thinking of." Kathy Sierra

Seth Godin puts it this way... "if the user thinks its broken ..then it is!!!"

I seem to hear this cry from so many in many leadership or industry conversations that 'people are so selfish and we need to break that' Maybe instead of fighting it we need to learn how to work with that. Maybe there is something broken ... and maybe if we focused more on creating a great user experience we would actually be able to engage people rather than bore them to death.

Ever played buzz word bingo... Here is a 'User experience' bingo card ... which one reflects your organization or thinking? [adjust wording to fit your cultures terminology[church or corporate]

Listen in your meetings ...what is being said? ...this might be a good exercise to see where your organization will be in the future [your talk will be markers to where you are headed].

Seriously bring this to your next gatherging and check off the boxes that are most accurate.

Example A

'its not our fault'

Example B
focusing on the User

MAYBE even try saying a few of these in your next meeting... see what happens. Will people look at you as if you were from outerspace? Or will they applaud your thinking for the people?

Thoughts and reflections?


Anonymous said...

I know some of the church's I've been to and been involved with in one way shape or form really could think about this...

THey think more about the money than anything. "We need our people to tithe, otherwise we're going down." My question to that is, "What are you doing to give them a REASON to tithe?"
Just my assocaited thought.

Cathy said...

The church is an organism, not an organization. Leadership in this organism is by laying your life down, serving one another in love, and walking in humility, NOT grasping at power or lording it over others, as is done in an organization. The problem as I see it, is that we have lost the true meaning of church and have embraced worldly thinking...the Bride of Christ must be wooed, not manipulated, bought, or controlled.

Anonymous said...

First off, I want to say that I agree with many of the thoughts here on the corporate level. I have seen both sides of the picture. I have seen companies that care ALL for the user and faught with policies, management, and corperate culture for the user, so they would have a good experience. In the end, they didn't win, because unfortunately there is always someone higher up that has the last opinion. On the other end, I have seen people that come into a company with an additute that does not reflect the user but simply selfish ambition.

Here is where I going with this. The church, christian organizations ect. need get their heads out of THEMSELVES and start thinking about the user because bottom line "The guy higher up CARES". Unfortunately, too many christian organizations try to "create" a good user experence. It is my opinion that this is not something that you can create, it is only a reflection of what goes on higher up.

When fighting in the worldly corperations against higher management, there is a good chance you will NOT succeed.
In an organization where God is in control there is NO CHANCE you will NOT succeed.

Just a though... TS

Markimus said...

Some good thoughts there however there are some glaring questions that I must pose.
1) If a good experience cannot be 'created' because it needs to be intrinsic then why is it not happening? And why is it that organizations have to reprioritize carte blanche? From entry level to executive level.
2) The power structure you propose ... suggests that things must be prioritized on the highest level in order for an organization/organism to succeed or fail. If this is the case then God is failing is he not?

Cathy said...

Revolutionaries recognize that spiritual success is more about surrender than results. They see things through a completely different lens. They know that God examines the fruit of someone's life, but the real fruit of the Kingdom is flat-out no-excuses obedience to God. Such submission represents major victories to the Kingdom. Why? Because life is war, and every time a soldier willingly engages in sacrificial battle for the King, Christ's honor is advanced. Revolutionaries' complete and total surrender to Him and His cause is the essence of eternal victory!
~ Geroge Barna

I wanna be a "Revolutionary"

Jeffrey said...

mark. i won't lie. i didnt read it all... i went strait to the charts..
made me think its time to adjust some more paradigms even in my relationships.

fight for the little guy.

where have you been? what epoch of cyber world have you been residing... coffee sometime soon poms.


Markimus said...

Jeffro ..Ya Its time to connect soon... The Little guy is the big guy!!! Didn't Jesus say somehting like that.

Anonymous said...

What it all comes down to is this:

If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? I think that we would, especially if they kept screaming for no good reason.

p.s. - you owe me $5.00.

Markimus said...

Check is in the mail!

jeremy postal said...

Howdy cowboy.
Where did you get these charts? Good work if you made them. Send me the link if you grabed them from somewheres...
All my love.