Thursday, December 28, 2006


Christianity started out in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise.



Anonymous said...

I've never looked at it like that, but I would have to agree.

Our faith has been manipulated and twisted in so many ways- for the better or worse is to be debated.

Mark, when are you coming back up to the college again, I wouldn't mind having a chat about a topic that comes up.

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty broad brush you paint with....especuially for an artist who is usually over specific!! :)

What about the enterprising Simon in Samaria (Acts),

The philosophizing council of theology in Jerusalem (Acts),

The institution of church leadership (Acts), or

The culture of whole cities and regions following Christ (or rioting against christianity) (Acts).

Broadly I do agree with you that it does seem to be the lense that history allows us to see each period of church history through but I think that it would be pretty easy to find examples of each in every time and culture. Why?

Because jesus left the church up to humans to spread/rule and with humans come fellowship, philosophy, culture, insitution, and enterprise.

Paul & Wanda Moores said...

This post didn't get enough comments.