Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bono_Bytes Part 1

If I had the opportunity to sit you all down with Bono for a little one on one it would be great but lets do the next best thing... I will bring him to you by blog. Besides it might be a little complicated for some of you to control your 'sneezing' ['um hi Bono this is my I mean sneezing friend'] Or 'Hi Bono this is my friend who sleeps under a picture of you every night'

I am not a person who goes googlie over celebrities nor do I appreciate how many times the American Church tends to idolize certain folk. This is not the purpose of my blog this week. I want to share with you over the next few weeks some perspectives of a Rock Star who is a normal person who chooses to take what he has been given a do something... not because I think Bono is absolutley right but I find myself profoundly identifying with his thoughts... Ever had those moments where you find yourself saying "Exactly what I was thinking, or if only my friends could here this thought process... maybe they wouldn't think I am so 'out to lunch."


These Videos are not a word for word representation of BONO's worldview they are bytes of ideology compiled together [originally by yours truly] ... you will get the drift.
This weeks video is about the poor [building on my last post] Weeks after will have bytes on Church, Faith and life.

So Listen, and please take a moment to comment, criticize, craft your own ideological paradigm.

Comment away.


Anonymous said...


I wish there were words to describe how much that 4 minute video meant to my heart.

Maybe it's because U2 has always been one of those bands that stood up for things and tried to use their resources for good... maybe it's because I could always relate to their lyrical content.

I'm not really sure but what I do know is that if injustice and the broken hearted makes my hurt... what does it do to God? And that thought alone is enough to make me pray and hope with all of my heart and soul that maybe this will be my moment.

That maybe my moment has come.

Jeffrey said...

how did you know about my sleeping under pictures mark?! CRAP. you've seen it havnt you... NO MORE FREE DRINKS FOR YOU FROM MY MINIFRIDGE MARK.

Markimus said...

You are punishing me for your obsession with sleep?
Gosh all I ever wanted in life was a drink from your Minifridge.