Monday, June 25, 2007

Kingdom Words Part 2

A Kingdom Language is a universal language that all humankind can understand at an elemental level but not necessairly articulate. It transcends culture and does not create sub-cultures.

Well if you haven't read in a few weeks you might want to check this post out first in order to understand what is happening.

Thx to all for your meaningful contributions to understanding 'meaning' As well as putting some understanding to the fact that There is 'AN ORDER' to things, BUT not an ORDER that man can always fully understand.

So here are three more words. What do they mean to you... are they words that engage you and invoke life thoughts or do they stir up uneasy feelings, or disinterest.




Look forward to your thoughts

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Kingdom Words Part 1

I have been on a journey of discovery and proceesing the language we use to describe the kingdom. Sometimes we utilize words that are loaded that eliminate people from the dialogue. For example the word 'holy' disengages many people from talking about God. So I want to over the next while throw out some words and get you to put your definition to it. These words are either life giving or disengaging. Please tell me which it is for you and what it means... to you... or give a quote that best decribes the word for you...
These words in their positive are often universal
1st Word


tell me your thoughts

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Unique User Experiences

Some of the most effective Marketing done in the world is all about creating a user experience where the user feels that it is all about them.

Where do we go wrong with this?

"Until talking about the users/customers/members/clients becomes the most important thing, we're going nowhere good. And no matter how many companies pay it lip service, the meetings tell the real story. It's staggering how many meetings I've been to where nobody is advocating for the users. Nobody. Yet everybody is advocating for ways to do what "upper management" wants or ways to save money or ways to... you know, many of you probably work in the companies I'm thinking of." Kathy Sierra

Seth Godin puts it this way... "if the user thinks its broken ..then it is!!!"

I seem to hear this cry from so many in many leadership or industry conversations that 'people are so selfish and we need to break that' Maybe instead of fighting it we need to learn how to work with that. Maybe there is something broken ... and maybe if we focused more on creating a great user experience we would actually be able to engage people rather than bore them to death.

Ever played buzz word bingo... Here is a 'User experience' bingo card ... which one reflects your organization or thinking? [adjust wording to fit your cultures terminology[church or corporate]

Listen in your meetings ...what is being said? ...this might be a good exercise to see where your organization will be in the future [your talk will be markers to where you are headed].

Seriously bring this to your next gatherging and check off the boxes that are most accurate.

Example A

'its not our fault'

Example B
focusing on the User

MAYBE even try saying a few of these in your next meeting... see what happens. Will people look at you as if you were from outerspace? Or will they applaud your thinking for the people?

Thoughts and reflections?