Can I be honest today?
In our engagement with people around us should our focus be on communicating the spirit of Jesus or communicating to them a 'Christian' Worldview? There is a Vaste difference.
I endoevor that my life, my conversations, my expressions of Faith will be about Jesus and not Christianity!
To be honest.... a 'Christian Worldview' is never truly grasped by anyone, but Jesus' spirit can be understood by any person in any stage of life.
To be honest.... A 'Christian Worldveiw' has been what has caused immense harm to cultures and atrocities to people groups around the world for centuries.
To be honest ....a 'Christian Worldview' is about exclusivity, but the spirit of Jesus speaks of a way that is for all.
A 'Christian Worldview' gets involved in political agendas - While the spirit of Jesus is with the poor and oppressed.
A 'Christian Worldview' focuses on proving opposing views wrong - while the spirit of Jesus listens and hears the cry of peoples hearts.
A 'Christian worldview' demands proper behavior and best practice/doctrine - while the spirit of Jesus gives grace for people to grow, and to fail.
And the list goes on... and on ... and on
The spirit of Jesus is quantum. Even in its smallest, minute expression, He is unstoppable.
Please contribute your comments or musings as well.
Finally a post where we completely agree with each other.
Is it possible that this generation has replaced the law of Moses with it's impossible to keep laws...desperately in need of the grace of the cross...with the Christian worldview.
And in doing so, like the priests of old we are attempting to enslave the masses for our own means and our own ends?
Sketchy reasoning but I think it's worth a thought or two.
I would have to agree with the old wooden boy!
i saw a press release today from a church in Kansas that said: Heath Ledger, actor from "Brokeback Mountain" (where he played a gay man) is dead. Heath Ledger is now in hell."
A church wrote that... and definitely not in the spirit of Jesus.
Yes and yes. Its unfortunate that we've given the word 'Christian' such an unsavory meaning... when it simply means follower of Christ. I've often wondered when the paradigm shift actually started, although that doesn't matter.
I love what you said about the 'quantumness' :) of Jesus. He is unstoppable. If we can tap into that, we too become unstoppable for Him.
I realise the following statement is a bit cutesy but the thought rings true.
"The spirit of Christ is caught, not taught."
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