Tuesday, April 01, 2008

What is the Bible?

The Bible is not a sort of magical text, supernaturally giving us guaranteed information about everything under the sun. What we call its ‘inspiration’ is its capacity to be the vehicle of the Holy Spirit, making Jesus vividly present to our minds and hearts.



Megan said...

We're reading 'The Story we find ourselves in' and this week that came up. I never really thought about the Bible that way before. And yet, it makes sense. It's not going to give us all the answers - if anything, it raises more questions and causes us to re-evaluate what we think and believe. And if we view the Bible this way, when something that we held onto as truth for a really long time disappears, we can still function as Christians. We may not always interpret the Bible correctly and that's okay... it's a journey.

Jeffrey said...

sola scriptora

Jeffrey said...

sola scriptora