Monday, June 26, 2006

A Special Clip for a friend

Hey folks! Just for all your Mullet lovin, Dreams Unlimited people here is a little something special for you.


Paul & Wanda Moores said...

Uh what???

white girl said...

oh. My. GOSH!

The whole time I was watching that video, I just wanted to rip that wig off of Darcy's head. Or at least cut the stringy mullet pieces off! haha


That will go down in the histories of makers that is for sure.

Paul & Wanda Moores said...

OK Mark. I know you'll get this. Doesn't Darcy look like Kevin Corneau in that video. Wierd to see Leanne all over Kev.

Anonymous said...

WOW. I'm highly disturbed by this video. This sort of thing would never happen with the Western Ontario District Youth Guy.


Jeffrey said...

that is so ...


very pomosexual.

love it.