Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thinking Critically about Critical thinking

I find it interesting in much of the dialogues that I hear today that there are two worlds. Those that think, and those that don't. Sounds odd but it is true. There are many people that just live life without much thought at all. So in saying that I have heard much of in my life is ... So as a man thinks - So is he. This leads me to another thought... for people that tend not to think... are they nothing???
For those that do think ... they only seem to think in one way ... is that thinking? Or merely a ghost of genuine/virtual thought?

The people who are praised as such intelligent thinkers are applying citical thought to their world. How is that intelligent? I must admit that critical thought is valuable but its limited in its outcomes? There are only so many outcomes that come out of critical thinking processes. Its usually a win lose dynamic every time. One or the other.

So can critical thinking actually bring change? Is it really thinking? Thoughts?

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Special Clip for a friend

Hey folks! Just for all your Mullet lovin, Dreams Unlimited people here is a little something special for you.