Saturday, August 19, 2006

Art? Lost in the walls and hallways of our minds.

Take a minute to watch the Video...

In summary
Respond accordingly

1) What does this art say/mean to you?

2) What are you doing to make statements/cause tension/stir conversation in your community?

3) Where in your life are you getting your faith off the 'walls' and into the real world?

Inspired by a Friend


Jeffrey said...

wow pomo. your looking hot in that video... man.. that's some sweet music too :) and a mamma's boy? heck yes.

hmm... i like this a lot. and no doubt it says a lot.

1. the art work itself i think signals freedom for the church.
interesting that the building is half see through.. sorta like the framework is there.. but the exterior is not... meh. it means that people who are 'not' "IN" the church... are certainly thinking about 'church.' and clearly searching for god knows what. honestly when i see that art i think... ouch. yet. freedom. and. revolution.

2. i think we should take graffiti to a whole new level and means of public discourse. i think the whole idea of statements requires that we actually have something to say.. that is where i need to start thinking more.. what is it that "we" have to say and to "Whom"

3. off the "walls" eh?
well the blog i guess. i hope that i don't live in a subworld as a opposed to a real world... my life is with people in the world. i live in the community. not an us and them... but us. life. music. alexander keiths. central park. walmart. i dunno main.

i feel ....
lost looking for art.


M. A. Hawkins said...

i'll post another comment later

editing and shooting was great! loved it

Cathy said...

Acts 17:24-25 (New International Version)
24"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.

Perhaps this means that God is going to turn the church upside down, too. If He does that, then people will have to get out into their communities instead of sitting in their pews. Once the church is upside down, then He can use us to turn the world upside down like He did in Acts.

Besides the church is not a building anyway. Lets get back to being so caught up with Jesus, that we don't even notice ourselves.

Steve said...

Perhaps we need to bury the church, starting from the top, down.

Perhaps the top of the church (church leadership), tends to have a emu style view of the world, and it is really up to the people/community to be on top and see the world more clearly.

Markimus said...


Great insightful post... inquisituve dialogue is where real vision comes out of. Top down is very weak. But if a leader can hear the vision coming from within the community it is then that the church really moves into its purpose.

Bury the top ...

Markimus said...


Great insightful post... inquisituve dialogue is where real vision comes out of. Top down is very weak. But if a leader can hear the vision coming from within the community it is then that the church really moves into its purpose.

Bury the top ...

Anonymous said...

Is your name Mark Dehoog? Because I know someone else with that name....crazyness....My xanga is I'm a Christian and I think it's awesome what you type on here! Take care. Lata!

-Melita Jo Veatch The First :-)