I think when it comes to our understanding about
'the poor' we are continually
missing the point. This was inspired after having a great dialogue with Jeremy Postal and the young adult gang at Classic Rythms a few months ago. We were dialoging on
Kingdom language.
In talking about the poor we automatically assume we are talking about a
certain class of people. As soon as we
envision “poor people” we would most likely have a neighbourhood in mind which would be classified as poor.
Or maybe we have a person in mind, or a street corner where a lot of homeless people seem to hang out. The first thing we should all notice is that whenever we think of poor we think of lack of money. We think of
bad housing, crappy
jobs, kids with
old clothing, sleeping on cement and
welfare; all benefactors of not having enough money.
What if the poor that the Bible speaks of isn’t a money thing?
It’s difficult for us to separate the term money from the term poor because money is easy. It’s easy to look at someone and know they are poor. It’s also easy (so we think) to fix them, we just
throw money at them.
If we stopped using money as our judgement system I think we would have a lot different of a definition of what poor was around us.
Just because someone has lots of money, doesn’t mean they are not poor, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t in need.
Just because someone has no money, and may live in conditions we wouldn’t wish for our pets
doesn’t mean that they are poor and want our money. If we could actually train ourselves to not think in terms of poor and rich but in terms of
Christ’s value upon them I think we would start to see progress.
The kingdom seems to be about abolishing our
cast systems, and that doesn’t happen by constantly pointing at a group of people and saying that they are poor and that you (being rich) are there to help them.
This is probably why Christ told the rich to get rid of everything and give it to the poor and in the same lifetime commended the poor widow for getting rid of everything also.
Jesus took money out of the equation. Money does not matter to God... it is not a factor of value. If you have lots thats ok... if you have little thats ok too. So stop trying to fuss about those that have and those that don't. Sometimes I want to stand up and say ...
Just Stop it!!! Our theology of economics is way out of wack!!!After the poor widow gave her two pennies and if the rich young ruler ever sold all his stuff, they would be equal, the would be where Christ wanted them, unable to achieve status through which we are inclined to try to, through money.
What if in the kingdom, poor wasn’t about money at all?
What if in the kingdom money wasn’t our currency for goods, love, power and security but it was something else?
Jesus ministry didn’t just consist of the poor, it also consisted of the rich, money swindling tax collectors also. Obviously Jesus saw some sort of ‘poor’ characteristic in these rich tax collectors.
Maybe our definition of poor needs to change.But what would it even change to?